Samstag, 6. Oktober 2012

Hier kommt Bella

Hier kommt Bella. Bella ist ein Golden Retriever. Hier ist sie noch in ihrem Wurf mit 5Wochen.
Here is Bella. she is a Golden Retriever doggie.. Here is a Foto from her with her sisters and brothere. 5 weeks old.
Mit ihrer Mama Lotta 9 Wochen alt .
With her Mommydog Lotta 9 weeks old
 Das ist Bella jetzt in ihrem Element, nass und dreckig, wie nach jedem Spaziergang. This is Bella now. Always dirty after her walks through the fields.
Sie liebt lange Spaziergänge, Wasser und Buddeln am Feldrand :)
She loves longer walks on the fields, water and digging in mouse wholes :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. oh my goodness!!!! What a beauty! I LOVE golden retrievers, and I think as puppies especially for me are the cutest dogs ever. If I didn't have to get a small dog, as I will probably be moving into a small apartment, I would definitely be getting a golden. Bella is lovely, Kisses and hugs to Bella from me and Kirby!
    I do hope we can visit each others blogs again. You are one blogger and I am on wordpress so I am not sure how we can follow each other...but I am sure there is a way :)
